Effect of Rice Polishing Concentrate on the Nitrogen, Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism of Albino Rats Kept on Rice and Jowar Diets

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  • CPHERI, Field Unit, Kanpur ,IN
  • University Department of Biochemistry, Nagpur ,IN
  • University Department of Biochemistry, Nagpur ,IN


It has been reported by many investigators that poor vegetarian diets based on rice and jowar are deficient in protein, B-vitamins and minerals. The lysine and threonine are the limiting amino acids in rice while lysine, threonine, tryptophan and methionine are limiting in jowar.


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How to Cite

Saxena, K. L., Chakrabarti, C. H., & Nath, M. C. (1966). Effect of Rice Polishing Concentrate on the Nitrogen, Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism of Albino Rats Kept on Rice and Jowar Diets. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3(4), 121–125. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/14729



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