In Vivo Studies on Protein Biosynthesis and Effect of Reduced Glutathione in Thiamine Deficient Rats

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  • University Department of Biochemistry, Nagpur ,IN
  • University Department of Biochemistry, Nagpur ,IN


In vitro incorporation studies with labelled amino acid showed that the protein biosynthesis was affected in thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine deficient rats. Since studies on the in vivo incorporation of labelled amino acid into protein and its connection with protein biosynthesis in thiamine deficient rats are merging, it was thought worthwhile to study the in vivo incorporation of labelled amino acid with respect to microsomal protein as well as total liver protein during the progressive development of thiamine deficiency in rats.


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How to Cite

Pandit, V. I., & Chakrabarti, C. H. (1972). <i>In Vivo</i> Studies on Protein Biosynthesis and Effect of Reduced Glutathione in Thiamine Deficient Rats. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 9(4), 213–216. Retrieved from



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