Effect of Supplementation of some Essential Amino Acids on Free Amino Acids in Blood and Liver of Albino Rats Fed Different Pulse Proteins

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  • University Department of Biochemistry and Medical College, Nagpur ,IN
  • University Department of Biochemistry and Medical College, Nagpur ,IN


The relationship between plasma amino acid levels of systemic blood and protein quality has been studied in several species of animals. Charkey et al and Richardson et al measured arginine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan and valine in the plasma of chicks fed diets containing soyabean meal and peanut meal or other proteins for six weeks.


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How to Cite

Chakrabarti, C. H., & Banerjee, U. (1975). Effect of Supplementation of some Essential Amino Acids on Free Amino Acids in Blood and Liver of Albino Rats Fed Different Pulse Proteins. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 12(9), 295–297. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/11456



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