Effect of High Cholesterol and Choline on Hepatic Phospholipid Partition in Rats

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  • University Department of Biochemistry, Nagpur ,IN
  • University Department of Biochemistry, Nagpur ,IN
  • University Department of Biochemistry, Nagpur ,IN


Influence of various dietary factors upon phospholipid has been studied. High fat, low protein and choline deficient diets have been found to cause pronounced fall in the phospholipid content of liver. The level of liver phospholipid could however be restored to normal by feeding choline which is known to stimulate in vitro biosynthesis of phospholipids.


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How to Cite

Banerjee, B., Roychoudhury, D., & Chakrabarti, C. H. (2016). Effect of High Cholesterol and Choline on Hepatic Phospholipid Partition in Rats. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 7(1), 10–12. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/11167



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