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About the Journal

Editor            : Dr. Milindmitra K Lonare
Online ISSN : 0976-5131
Print ISSN    : 0971-6580
Frequency    : Quarterly
Publisher/s  : Informatics Publishing Limited and The Society of Toxicology, India

Toxicology International is a subscription access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles. The Journal Publication was Triannual and is now changed to Quarterly. The journal began publishing since 1994. Article Processing Charges are to be made only if the manuscript is accepted after Peer Review. If payment is made without acceptance confirmation, then the amount will not be refunded.

The Journal is Indexed in Scopus, WOS, EMBASE, NAAS Score 5.56, J-gate, ICI

Current Issue

Volume 31, Issue 3, July-September 2024
					View Volume 31, Issue 3, July-September 2024
Published: 2024-08-05


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