GC-MS Profiling of Secondary Metabolites in Hexane and Ethyl Acetate Crude Extracts of Red Sea Soft Coral Xenia macrospiculata

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  • Department of Food Science and Technology, Hamelmalo Agricultural College, Keren, Anseba Region - 397 ,ER
  • ,IN




Soft corals are macro-invertebrates found in marine ecosystems. The genus Xenia belongs to the family Xeniidae containing ninety-eight species, rich sources of bioactive natural products including terpenoids, steroids, and fatty acids. The hexane and ethyl acetate solvent extracts of soft coral Xenia macrospiculata Gohar, 1940 (X. macrospiculata) were investigated for the novel chemical constituents using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS). Qualitative analysis of soft coral crude extracts has shown various compounds with high and low molecular weights. In the hexane extracts twentyfive compounds were identified including sesquiterpene derivatives (34.61%), steroid derivatives (30.76%), cyclic diterpenes (7.69%), oxygenated terpenes (7.69%), fatty esters (7.69%), mercaptans (3.84%), alcohols (3.84%), and bicyclic monoterpenes (3.84%). In ethyl acetate extract twenty compounds were identified, the major compounds are fatty acid derivatives (28.57%), element type sesquiterpenes (23.80%), steroid derivatives (19.04%), thio compounds (9.52%), alkaloids (4.76%), diterpenes (4.76%), alcohols (4.76%), Fluro-hydrocarbons (4.76%). GC-MS profiling of hexane and ethyl acetate extracts of X. macrospiculata revealed the presence of several potential bioactive compounds. The elemene, azulene, himachalene and aromadendrane sesquiterpenoids are unique compounds reported first in the soft coral X. macrospiculata. The available literature supports that these compounds have potential antioxidant, Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF) inhibition and cytotoxic activity. Some compounds are used as tasteful natural sweeteners and some of the fatty ester derivatives are potential flavouring agents in food industries.


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How to Cite

Kasimala, M., & Bollikolla, H. B. (2024). GC-MS Profiling of Secondary Metabolites in Hexane and Ethyl Acetate Crude Extracts of Red Sea Soft Coral <i>Xenia macrospiculata</i>. Toxicology International, 31(3), 399–408. https://doi.org/10.18311/ti/2024/v31i3/43527
Received 2024-04-10
Accepted 2024-05-18
Published 2024-08-05



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