Instructions to Authors

Minimun Standards for Online Submissions

To facilitate the peer-review process, please ensure that your manuscript meets the following criteria before submitting it online:
  • Language: Submitted papers should be written in English.
  • File Format: Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents (.doc or .docx).
  • Adherence to Guidelines: Manuscripts should be prepared according to the guidelines provided by the journal. Please refer to the journal's website or submission portal for specific formatting instructions.
  • Peer Review: All papers will undergo scientific peer review to assess their quality, originality, and suitability for publication.
  • Online Submission: Authors must register as an author on the journal's submission portal and submit their manuscripts through the online platform. Please follow the instructions provided on the submission portal for guidance on the submission process.

Adhering to these minimum standards will ensure a smooth and efficient peer-review process for your manuscript.

The journal publishes following types of articles:

  1. Technical report will contain: Title : should convey the essence, novelty and importance ; Abstract, graphical abstract, keywords ,Introduction: shall include the importance of such work, current status , literature reviews and scope ( not more than 2 A4 double spacing 11 font written pages); body: shall include data, design criteria, procedures, connections to literature reviews, results and discussions. 4-5 Figures, 4-5 tables, 4-5 Figures, 4-5 tables, 4-5 images ,equations and formulae, if any. Conclusion. Recommendations: suggestive actions based on the report's findings References and bibliography: lists sources used in the report and properly referenced. Appendices and supplementary data: includes additional information, large data sets, codes used, additional tables and figures.
  2. Scientific report will contain: Title : should convey the essence, novelty and importance ; Abstract, graphical abstract, keywords ,Introduction: shall include the importance of such work, current status , literature reviews and scope ( not more than 2 A4 double spacing 11 font written pages); body: shall have methods and materials, , instruments used, calibration, connections to literature reviews, results and discussions. 4-5 Figures, 4-5 tables, 4-5 Figures, 4-5 tables, 4-5 images, equations and formulae, if any. Conclusion. References and bibliography: lists sources used in the report and properly referenced. Appendices and supplementary data: includes additional information, large data sets, codes used, additional tables and figures.
  3. Team activity report will contain Title, abstract, key words, graphical abstract, project information: the team members and team building, activity details: the type of activity, how long it took, and any associated costs, visual representation: A chart that shows all logged activities, major achievements: hits and misses; things to watch out for in the future, client / customer acceptance, productivity, and identifying areas for improvement. 4-5 Figures, 4-5 tables, and 4-5 images. Results and discussion and conclusion. References and bibliography: lists sources used in the report and properly referenced. Appendices and supplementary data: includes additional information, large data sets, codes used, additional tables and figures.
  4. Awarded Patent Report will contain: Title : should convey the essence, novelty and importance; Abstract, graphical abstract, keywords ,Introduction: shall include the importance of such work, current status , literature reviews and scope ( not more than 2 A4 double spacing 11 font written pages); provisional or complete specifications with description, claims, abstract and drawings, detailed information about the patent and corresponding invention .Connections to literature reviews, results and discussions. 4-5 Figures, 4-5 tables, 4-5 images, equations and formulae, if any. Conclusion. References and bibliography: lists sources used in the report and properly referenced. Appendices and supplementary data: includes additional information, large data sets, codes used, additional tables and figures.
  5. Scientific and Technical Review will contain: Title : should convey the essence, novelty and importance ; Abstract, graphical abstract, keywords ,Introduction: shall include the importance of such work, current status , scope ( not more than 2 A4 double spacing 11 font written pages); body: a coherent narrative about the current state of a particular field of research ,development and adoption . 4-5 Figures, 4-5 tables, 4-5 images, equations and formulae, if any. Conclusion. References and bibliography: lists sources used in the report and properly referenced. Appendices and supplementary data: includes additional information, large data sets, codes used, additional tables and figures.
  6. Short Communication will contain: Short communication articles are usually a few pages long. They present a specific finding or set of findings, and aim to report new ideas or recent advances. They will also point towards development that has not matured but likely to be a major development in the future or provide a good lead to the future research and development. The journal will publish short articles having abstract, a short summary of the paper's contents, objectives, methods, and techniques. Main body, figures and tables totaling 6 in number. References and bibliography.

Common checks:

  • Avoid personal glorification or blaming. Your work should be strictly focused on takeaways of the exercise that you conducted.
  • Plagiarism must be avoided at all cost.
  • Prepare your text, data, figures and tables. Do not copy from other works. If you ar using proprietary text, data, figures and tables, do not remove the credit lines.
  • If you are using other’s text, data, figures and tables make sure they are properly referenced. All parts, exactly not your work or description, should be properly referenced and to be included in the list.

Standards for submission

I Covering Letter
Should contain
  • Name, Address, Email id, Mobile No. of the Author for Correspondence.
  • The letter should mention in brief what is already known about this subject and what new has added by the submitted work.
  • Title of the paper.
  • Authors' initials and names
  • An abstract (not exceeding 300 word) which should be most informative, giving clear indications of the nature and range of the results contained in the paper, and should not duplicate the conclusions.
  • 3 to 6 Relevant keywords
II Length
There is no restriction on length of manuscript. However a concise manuscript with all information is always well appreciated.
III Abbreviations
Abbreviations to be defined where they first appear in the text.
IV Nomenclature
Please follow the correct and accepted Nomenclature
  • Units of measurement:Indicate SI units directly or in Parantheses after the value.
  • Drugs: Provide the Recommended International Non-Proprietary Name (rINN).
  • Species names:Mention species names in Italics. The Genus and Species name should be mentioned in Full, in title as well as wherever the organism name is first mentioned. After the first mention, the first letter of the Genus name followed by the Full species name is used.
    For Genetic Nomenclatures, please refer to the recommended name by consulting the Genetic Nomenclature database.
    Genes, mutations, genotypes, and alleles Write in italics. Use the recommended name by consulting the appropriate genetic nomenclature database (e.g., HUGO for human genes). It is sometimes advisable to indicate the synonyms for the gene the first time it appears in the text. Gene prefixes such as those used for oncogenes or cellular localization should be shown in roman typeface (e.g., v-fes, c-MYC).
V Preparation of Manuscript

The Manuscripts should follow the IMRad format (Introduction- Method- Results and Discussion). For more information, please read (
All original research articles should be structured in the following manner.

1. Title

The title should be concise and reflect the entire work of the author in simple words. The words and verbs should not be repetitive. The title should generate interest in readers as a topic of importance. The title should harness interest of distant yet related readers too.
For example, a manuscript on plant or mine economics can generate interest in a banking community who see the article in matters of investment. It may also have words that will generally attract the community in general. The words like waste reduction, saving, performance improvement, renewable resources , renewable energy, pollution reduction, social responsibility, green materials, sustainable development, and waste to wealth, etc. come into this category. Care has to be exercised to not use superfluous and uncommon word and expression.

2. Affiliation

Below the title, all author names should be mentioned along with Affiliation of each author.
1. Affiliation details should include-

  • Department
  • University
  • Organization
  • City with Pincode
  • State
  • Country for all authors

2. Each author’s affiliation should be identified by a superscript small numeral.
3. Author for correspondence should be indicated by an asterisk.
4. Provide full address including e-mail, fax, and telephone number of Author forcorrespondence.

3. Abstract

Abstracts need not be in structured format. However, it should clearly state

  • The purpose of the work in short
  • Methods used to be explained in a few sentences
  • Key findings and major conclusion drawn from the work in few sentences.
  • Do not cite others work in abstract as much as possible.
  • The complete Abstract should be within 300 words
  • Use of abbreviations in abstract should be avoided however if essential should be expanded at its first appearance
  • Abstract would be read by many people much more than the complete articles. An impactful abstract can enthuse more readers
  • Represent the abstract graphically – Readers can visually connect with the findings.
4. Keywords

The author should provide 3 to 6 keywords, characterizing the scope of the paper, Keywords should be written in title case and separated by comma. Avoid general and plural terms and multiple concepts (avoid, for example, 'and', 'of').

5. Headings

Authors to number the headings in Arabic Style Eg: 1, 2….

  • Headings should be in title case, meaning that all words except for prepositions, articles, and conjunctions should be capitalized.
  • All botanical names should be in italics.
    • For example: 1. Finite Element Modelling (FEM)
                        1.1 Model Description

Botanical Name: Ulam Herbs of Oenanthejavanica and Cosmoscaudatus: an overview on their Medicinal Properties

Non-English words: There is a decrease in all Drava dhatus in the body due to excessive water loss (Aap dhatu) and Agnimandya (diminished digestive fire) in Atisara.

6. Introduction

This section is the commencement for the Full text of the article.

  • Mention the National and International importance of the topic
  • Cost implication with respect to the problem and how widespread it is.
  • How to overcome these challenges and the solution for the same.
  • Theme of the research and the solutions to close the gap with new discovery or results or innovations.
  • Proposal for improvement and the reasoning for the same based on literature research.
  • Cite appropriately if this is taken from elsewhere
7. Objectives

Every manuscript should have some objectives which the study wanted to achieve and is being reported. Objectives can be bullet points or one/two sentences.

8. Materials and Methods

This is the part which is the most important as it is the actual research work reported with clarity and truth.

  • Method adopted to be detailed. Source of material procurement to be clearly mentioned.
  • Data should right and correct to the extent possible. Data in doubt, should not be reported. Data from any other source should always be cited appropriately.
  • Statistically valid data should be included. A nominal sample size of 5 with standard deviation is always shown.
  • Detailed description of tables and figures are not required.
  • Images to be labelled correctly.
  • Tables, Figures, Images, Graphs should always be labelled and there has to be a description for the same.

Human & Animal Rights:

While reporting experiments on human subjects, you should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional or regional) and with the Helsinki Declaration

  • Do not use names or initials of patients or hospitals and/or hospital telephone numbers especially in illustrative material.

While reporting experiments on animals, indicate whether you adhered to the guidelines of an institution, national research council governing the care and use of laboratory animals and also WMA guidelines

Studies based on clinical trials:

Authors should register all the clinical trials in a Primary Clinical Trial Registry. Registration of clinical trials is mandatory as a condition of consideration for publication. The Registration number must be given in Materials and Methods section. Authors can register in following trial register:

Reporting Guidelines for Specific Study Designs click here

9. Results and Discussions

A detailed presentation of the Results obtained along with the supportive Discussions by similar or different findings of the researchers in the same field or works of similar nature. References to Data, Tables, Images etc. presented earlier may be referred to explain the results. Limitations of the work may also be discussed here.

10. Conclusion

A very important section like the Abstract. Based on the Results and Discussions, a short yet crisp conclusive write up has to be presented here. For more than one conclusions, keep them distinctly separate. Do not include recommendations here. Future scope work may be mentioned here.

11. Acknowledgements

Acknowledge those persons who helped you in the present study by providing facilities, personal assistance and funding if any.

12. Footnotes

Footnotes are not permitted. If the manuscript contains footnotes, move them into the text and references as per the content.

13. References

Reference to be arranged as per the Style mentioned below
Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels follows the Vancouver style of referencing. Note the points while preparing the references.

a. In the Referencing
  • References within the text of the article should be represented by numbers and should be superscripted and should follow ascending order in full text.
  • The number originally assigned to a reference should be re-used if that reference is cited again later in the text.
  • In case of multiple references, separate the numbers with a hyphen. E.g. 2-5, or commas in case of non-inclusive numbers E.g. 3, 9, 14.
  • As a general rule, reference numbers should be placed outside of full-stops and commas, and inside of colons and semicolons.
  • All the references cited in text should be in ascending order.

Eg. Hoppert M. Microscopic techniques in biotechnology. Weinheim:Wiley-VCH; 2003. Gillespie NC, Lewis RJ, Pearn JH, Bourke ATC, Holmes MJ, Bourke JB, et al. Ciguatera in Australia: occurrence, clinical features, pathophysiology and management. Med J Aust. 1986;145:584-90.

b. Reference List
  • References which are cited in the text should be mentioned here.
  • It should appear at the end of your text.
  • It should be arranged numerically by citation number.

Click Here for Vancouver Style Manual

f. Tables
  • Tables should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text.
  • They should be embedded in appropriate locations as per the text along with the captions.
  • Place Legends for tables below the table body and indicate them with lowercase letters in superscript.
  • Avoid vertical rules and ensure that the data presented in tables do not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.
  • Please note that tables embedded as Excel files or Jpeg Files within the manuscript are NOT accepted.
  • Tables in Excel or Jpeg files should be copied and pasted into the manuscript Word file.
g. Figures
  • These must be numbered and cited in the text.
  • Mark clearly in the margin of the manuscript where the figure is to be inserted and do not embed in the text.
  • Tables should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text.
  • All figures should be in TIFF.
  • Images provided should be with below mentioned resolutions:
                   Black & White Images - 900 dpi
                   Coloured Images - 600 dpi
                   Line art-grey colour - 600 dpi
  • Photo resolution should be minimum 300 dpi.
  • Histograms should be presented in a simple, two-dimensional format,with no background grid.
  • Supply figure captions separately and not attached to the figure.
  • The legends should be provided along with the figures.

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