Gold Mineralisation and their Lithological Controls at Nagavi Area, Gadag Schist Belt, in Karnataka, India

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  • Faculty of Civil Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru - 560019, Karnataka ,IN
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru - 560019, Karnataka ,IN
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru - 560019, Karnataka ,IN ORCID logo
  • Department of Geology, School of Earth Sciences, Central University of Karnataka, Kalaburagi - 585367, Karnataka ,IN ORCID logo



Gadag Schist Belt, Geological Structures, Gold Mineralization, Lithological control, Nagavi Area


Dharwar craton is located in southern India is part of the Dharwar-Singhbhum proto-continent and is known for its complex tectonic and structural controls. It’s made up of two distinct parts, Western Dharwar Craton (WDC) and the Eastern Dharwar Craton (EDC) house several schist belts. Many of these schist belts, such as the Kolar schist belt, Hutti schist belt, Chitradurga schist belt and the Gadag schist belt, are auriferous. In such schist belts, gold occurs in association with sulphides such as pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. Gold mineralization in these belts is found to occur in different lithologies. The Gadag schist belt is composed dominantly of metabasalt in its western half and meta sediments in the eastern half. Quartz-carbonate veins are observed to cut across these lithologies as well as the Banded Iron Formations (BIFs). This paper aimed to study the gold mineralization in different lithologies of the Gadag schist belt and found that metabasalts and BIFs are the dominant rocks hosting gold. It is also observed that mineralization is strata-bound. Most of the places’ auriferous sheared zones were observed in the study area. In Nagavi area, BIF hosted gold mineralization is observed, and major gold concentration varies from <21 to <26 ppb (parts per billion). Pyrite occurs as characteristic cubic crystals and as clusters of small grains. In carbonated sheared anorthosite, the rock is fine to medium-grained and in-equigranular. It consists of simple to polysynthetically twinned subhedral (100-200 by 400-600 μm) laths (~40-45%) set in a groundmass of irregular anhedral grains of secondary carbonate (~35-40%), chlorite (~8-10%), opaque (~5-7%) and accessory epidote and quartz.


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How to Cite

Agasnalli, C., M. S., D., G. Ekbote, A., & Lakkundi, T. K. (2024). Gold Mineralisation and their Lithological Controls at Nagavi Area, Gadag Schist Belt, in Karnataka, India. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 72(8), 783–791.



Received 2024-06-20
Accepted 2024-08-29
Published 2024-09-27



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