Enhancement of Truck Transportation Efficiency Through Remote Monitoring of Route and Mineral Load

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  • Department of Mining Engineering, Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, Kolar Gold Fields - 563120, Karnataka ,IN
  • Department of Mining Engineering, Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, Kolar Gold Fields - 563120, Karnataka ,IN
  • Department of Mining Engineering, Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, Kolar Gold Fields - 563120, Karnataka ,IN
  • Department of Mining Engineering, Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, Kolar Gold Fields - 563120, Karnataka ,IN
  • Department of Mining Engineering, Dr. T. Thimmaiah Institute of Technology, Kolar Gold Fields - 563120, Karnataka ,IN




Blynk Application, Global Positioning System (GPS), Load Cell, Load Monitoring


The mining industry faces significant challenges when it comes to ensuring the safety and security of heavy-duty trucks operating outside the boundaries of the mine through remote routes and mineral load monitoring. To address these concerns, this study proposes an approach to enhance safety and surveillance by utilizing the Global Positioning System (GPS) and load cell technology to track trucks beyond the mine boundary and mineral load monitoring. The developed system will provide real-time information about truck location, speed, mass theft, and idle routes. To achieve this, a GPS tracker is installed on the truck, providing accurate and reliable location data, and a load cell is installed to monitor the mineral load. This will help ensure compliance with safety regulations and prevent unauthorized stopping and mineral theft. To monitor the location, speed, mass theft, load monitoring, and unauthorized stoppings BLYNK application is used. This system will facilitate improved decision-making, enable timely response to emergencies, enhance operational efficiency, and reduce the risks associated with truck operations outside the mine.


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How to Cite

John Gladious, J., Ajithraj, S., Arunkumar, R., Sridharan, N., & Rajeshraj, K. (2024). Enhancement of Truck Transportation Efficiency Through Remote Monitoring of Route and Mineral Load. Journal of Mines, Metals and Fuels, 72(4), 287–299. https://doi.org/10.18311/jmmf/2024/44224



Received 2024-06-19
Accepted 2024-07-09
Published 2024-07-22



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