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About the Journal

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. T. K. Pal
Online ISSN: 2454-2601
Print ISSN: 0973-0834
Frequency: Biannual
Publishers: Social Environmental and Biological Association

This is a biannual journal (June and December) which is published in June and December by Social Environmental and Biological Association (SEBA) with the mission of encouragement and dissemination of scientific knowledge on social, environmental and biological disciplines to people of all walks of life and among all strata of the society in India and abroad. It includes three main streams such as social, environmental and biological sciences, both full papers and short communications, as well as reports and reviews, news and notes, seminar proceedings and thesis abstracts, standards and patents, individual experiences and institutional/ laboratory reports, etc., useful for education and awareness of the community at large.

The Journal is included in Web of Science Zoological Record, ICI and UGC Mandate.

Current Issue

Volume 20, Issue 2, 2023
Published: 2024-03-25


Notes and News

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