Efficacy of Some Vegetable Oils as Protectants against the Pulse Beetle (Collosobruchus chinensis) in Green Gram (Phaseolus aureus) during Storage

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  • College of Home Science, A.P. Agricultural University, Saifabad, Hyderabad 500 004 ,IN
  • College of Home Science, A.P. Agricultural University, Saifabad, Hyderabad 500 004 ,IN
  • College of Home Science, A.P. Agricultural University, Saifabad, Hyderabad 500 004 ,IN


During storage of legumes, severe losses can occur due to the attack of pulse beetle (Collosobruchus chinensis). It has been estimated that the loss in weight of a seed of cow pea due to single larva of Collosobruchus maculatus can be between 3.3 to 5.6 per cent. Use of vegetable oils in protecting pulses during storage is a traditional practice. Several workers have studied the effectiveness of various oils as grain protectants and found to be effective. In the present study, an effort was made to test the efficacy of neem, mohua, palm oil and karanja oils as a pre-storage treatment to green gram and its effect on certain nutrients.


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How to Cite

Uma Reddy, M., Rama Bharati, S., & Reddy, D. D. R. (1999). Efficacy of Some Vegetable Oils as Protectants against the Pulse Beetle (<i>Collosobruchus chinensis</i>) in Green Gram (<i>Phaseolus aureus</i>) during Storage. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 36(10), 436–442. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/7075



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