Unconventional Sources of Vitamin A:Recovery from Fruit-Waste

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  • Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Home Science, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai ,IN
  • Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Department of Post Graduate Studies and Research in Home Science, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai ,IN


Vitamin A deficiency is one of the most serious types of malnutrition that threatens the population of many countries including India and its subcontinent. India was the first country to implement the National level programme for the prevention of Vitamin A deficiency in children under 5 years of age. Short term emergency measure of adiministrating mega dose of vitamin A solution to children under 5 years of age has been in operation since 1960's.


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How to Cite

Ray, K. S., & Sing, S. (2003). Unconventional Sources of Vitamin A:Recovery from Fruit-Waste. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 40(10), 380–383. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/6676



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