Development of Suitable Technology for Low Cost Dietetic Gulabjamun Prepared from Filled Milk Khoa

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  • Department of Dairy Technology, College of Food & Dairy Technology, AAI-DU, Allahabad - 211 007 ,IN
  • Department of Foods and Nutrition College of Food Nutrition and Home Science AAI-DU, Allahabad - 211 007 ,IN
  • Department of Foods and Nutrition College of Food Nutrition and Home Science AAI-DU, Allahabad - 211 007 ,IN
  • Department of Foods and Nutrition College of Food Nutrition and Home Science AAI-DU, Allahabad - 211 007 ,IN


Khoa is a partially dehydrated, heat desiccated milk product and it is widely used as a base material for preparation of sweets like peda, burfi, gulabjamun, kalakand etc. The traditional dairy products have always occupied a place of prominence in Indian dietary system. It has been estimated that about 50-55 per cent of milk produced in India is being converted into a variety of traditional dairy products of which 7.0 per cent of milk is used for the manufacture of khoa, mostly in private and organized sectors.


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How to Cite

Chandra, R., Prasad, R., Tripathi, V., & Alam, T. (2006). Development of Suitable Technology for Low Cost Dietetic Gulabjamun Prepared from Filled Milk Khoa. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 43(8), 357–364. Retrieved from



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