Food Technology & Nutrition-Need For Greater Collaboration with Special Reference to some Major Problems of Developing Countries

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  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore ,IN


Food technology, in relation to nutrition, has been discussed on several platforms, in different parts of the world. Some aspects of the subject were also discussed at the last International Congress of Nutrition held recenily at Edinburgh. While there is a growing realization that the two subjects are closely interrelated, and that the findings in one field can be applied with benefit, in the other, there are still schools of food technology which hold that, while the basic principles of nutrition have to be recognised, consumer appeal is far more important and that this should be given a high place even at the sacrifice of some of the nutritive value; if the consumer does not care for it, even a highly nutritious product cannot find any use.


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How to Cite

Subrahmanyan, V. (1964). Food Technology & Nutrition-Need For Greater Collaboration with Special Reference to some Major Problems of Developing Countries. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 1(2), 139–151. Retrieved from



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