A Comparative Study of Cane and Palm Jaggery with Reference to Chemical Composition and Use in Food Preparations

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  • Women's Christian College, Madras ,IN
  • Women's Christian College, Madras ,IN
  • Women's Christian College, Madras ,IN


The jaggery industry has been a very ancient cottage industry in India. The term sugar is derived from ' SARKARA ' meaning gur or jaggery, or indigenous sugar which was well known in ancient India Jaggery has been used extensively in Indian diets an energy producing food. The consumption of jaggery in India is about four times that of refined sugar.


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How to Cite

Usha, M., Sunderarajan, E., & Arulanantham, R. (1965). A Comparative Study of Cane and Palm Jaggery with Reference to Chemical Composition and Use in Food Preparations. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2(3), 122–124. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/14409



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