Effect of Dietary Proteins on Carotene Utilisation by Albino Rats

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  • Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women, Coimbatore ,IN
  • Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women, Coimbatore ,IN
  • Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women, Coimbatore ,IN


In the underdeveloped nations where protein and vitamin A malnutrition is widespread, carotenoids of vegetable origin are the main sources of vitamin A. The Third World Food survey of the FAO has revealed that in the developing regions, the daily per capita consumption of animal protein is only nine grams. In India, milk is almost the only source of animal protein for a large majority of vegetarians.


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How to Cite

Nirmala, P. S., Mathew, E., & Devadas, R. P. (1966). Effect of Dietary Proteins on Carotene Utilisation by Albino Rats. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3(3), 81–84. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/14359



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