In Vivo Assessment of the Nutritive Value of Proteins "in Situ" in the Leaves of Solanum nigrum L., Xanthosoma sp and Gnetum africanum L.

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  • Laboratory of Biochemistry, Fob 812, Yaounde ,CM
  • Laboratory of Biochemistry, Fob 812, Yaounde ,CM


There is a growing demand of food protein in the world and especially in developing countries where the prevalence of Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) is very high. The efficiency of animal food proteins in the management of PEM is well established. Unfortunately these foods are expensive and are consequently poorly consumed by poor people.


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How to Cite

Fokou, E., & Domngang, F. (1989). <i>In Vivo</i> Assessment of the Nutritive Value of Proteins "in Situ" in the Leaves of <i>Solanum nigrum</i> L., <i>Xanthosoma sp</i> and <i>Gnetum africanum</i> L. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 26(12), 366–373. Retrieved from