Effect of formaldehyde Treatment of Groundnut Cake on the Solubility, In Vitro Ammonia Release and Degradability of its Protein in the Rumen

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  • Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Physiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal - 132 001 ,IN
  • Dairy Cattle Nutrition and Physiology Division, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal - 132 001 ,IN


Rumen bacteria and protozoa rapidly hydrolyse proteins to constituent amino acids, which are further huminated to the corresponding organic acids and ammonia. The rate of breakdown of dietary proteins in the rumen is however, dependent on their solubility.


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How to Cite

Sharma, S. K., & Gupta, B. N. (1984). Effect of formaldehyde Treatment of Groundnut Cake on the Solubility, <i>In Vitro</i> Ammonia Release and Degradability of its Protein in the Rumen. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 21(2), 58–68. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/13403



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