Prevalence of Nutritional and Non Nutritional Disease Among 0 - 6 Year Old Children and Their Nutritional Status

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  • Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women, Coimbatore 641 043 ,IN
  • Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women, Coimbatore 641 043 ,IN
  • Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women, Coimbatore 641 043 ,IN
  • Sri Avinashilingam Home Science College for Women, Coimbatore 641 043 ,IN


Preschool children are among the most vulnerable sections of the population, from the nutritional standpoint. The chief killers in this age group are severe forms of PEM as kwashiorkor and marasmus and other non nutritional disorders'. Many infections occur easily, persist longer and cause much mortality. Dietary inadequacies due to poverty; unavailability and ignorance are the causes of early childhood malnutrition.


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How to Cite

Devadas, R. P., Premakumari, S., Geetha, G., & Aruna, C. (1983). Prevalence of Nutritional and Non Nutritional Disease Among 0 - 6 Year Old Children and Their Nutritional Status. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 20(1), 1–9. Retrieved from





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