A Longitudinal Study of Pregnant Women in Relation to Outcome of Pregnancy in Kenya

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  • Medical Research Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, Royal Tropical Institute,Amsterdam ,NL
  • Medical Research Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, Royal Tropical Institute,Amsterdam ,NL
  • Medical Research Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, Royal Tropical Institute,Amsterdam ,NL
  • Medical Research Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, Royal Tropical Institute,Amsterdam ,NL
  • Medical Research Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, Royal Tropical Institute,Amsterdam ,NL


It has been customary to follow a child's growth curve from the time of its birth, when biologically speaking it is already nine months old. The problem of perinatal mortality and low birth weight has focused attention on the interrelationship between health and nutritional status of the mother cq. mother-to-be on one hand and growth, development and survival of the fetus, infant and preschool child on the other hand.


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How to Cite

Kusin, J. A., Voorhoeve, A. M., Jansen, A. A. J., Lakhani, S., & Mannetje, W. T. (1979). A Longitudinal Study of Pregnant Women in Relation to Outcome of Pregnancy in Kenya. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 16(5), 195–205. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/12393



Special Nutritional Problems