Mineral and Trace Element Composition of Sorghum Grain:Effect of Variety, Location and Application of the Nitrogen Fertilizer

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  • National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad-500 007 ,IN
  • National Institute of Nutrition, Indian Council of Medical Research, Hyderabad-500 007 ,IN


Iron deficiency anemia and goitre due to iodine deficiency are the problems of public health importance in India which are related to trace metal nutrients. In certain communities of Egypt, dwarfism and hypogonadism in the adult population are attributed to dietary zinc deficiency and in parts of U. S. S. R. high level of molybdenum in the soil and vegetation is associated with high incidence of gout in the population.


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How to Cite

Deosthale, Y. G., & Belavady, B. (1978). Mineral and Trace Element Composition of Sorghum Grain:Effect of Variety, Location and Application of the Nitrogen Fertilizer. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 15(9), 302–308. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/12078



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