Effect of fortlfication of Milk with Iron Lactose and Ascorbic Acid on Tissue Iron and Enzymes in Rat

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  • Biochemistry Department, Punjab University, Chandigarh ,IN
  • Biochemistry Department, Punjab University, Chandigarh ,IN
  • Biochemistry Department, Punjab University, Chandigarh ,IN


Milk has been fortified with iron and vitamins separately, but few attempts have been made to fortify milk simultaneously with iron and vitamins because of the powerful oxidant properties of iron on vitamins, particularly on ascorbic acid, and due to the effect of iron on the deterioration of milk flavour. The present communication reports the effect of feeding milk fortified simultaneously with iron and ascorbic acid on tissue iron and certain tissue enzymes in rat. Iron lactose complex was used as the source of iron instead of other common iron complexes such as ferric ammonium citrate etc.


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How to Cite

Kiran, R., Amma, M. K. P., & Sareen, K. N. (1977). Effect of fortlfication of Milk with Iron Lactose and Ascorbic Acid on Tissue Iron and Enzymes in Rat. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 14(10), 296–301. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/11850



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