Nutritional Status of Expectant Mothers Belonging to Two Different Income Levels

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  • Sri Avinashilingain Home Science College for Women, Coimbatore-641011 ,IN
  • Sri Avinashilingain Home Science College for Women, Coimbatore-641011 ,IN


The infants who do survive bear subtle mental and physical scars of malnutrition as the child's entire life is determined to a great extent by the nourishment it receives right from conception. Hence improving the nutritional status of the expectant mother becomes essential. The starting point towards this improvement is to evaluate the food pattern and nutritional status of the expectant mothers, their progress in pregnancy and outcome as related to the diet consumed and their income. The present study aims to bring out the above information.


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How to Cite

Vijayalakshmi, R., & Devaki, S. R. (1976). Nutritional Status of Expectant Mothers Belonging to Two Different Income Levels. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 13(3), 63–66. Retrieved from



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