Effect of Feeding Dhanata and Balata Diets on the Structure and Function of Small Intestines of Rats-Part V

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  • Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Science, Bombay-32 ,IN
  • Department of Biochemistry, Institute of Science, Bombay-32 ,IN


The dietic changes have been observed to exert marked effect on the structure and function of small intestine and bones. Weil et al Cantor et al. Flock et al and Madson and Tuba found that the levels of intestinal and serum alkaline phosphatase are significantly decreased in fasted rats.


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How to Cite

Phadnis, A. D., & Sohonie, K. (1975). Effect of Feeding Dhanata and Balata Diets on the Structure and Function of Small Intestines of Rats-Part V. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 12(1), 17–20. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/11594



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