Effect of Baking on the Protein Quality of High Protein Biscuits

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  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore-2 A ,IN
  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore-2 A ,IN
  • Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore-2 A ,IN


The main source of protein in this biscuit was from low fat edible groundnut flour. Another high protein biscuit based on solvent extracted groundnut flour fortified with lysine has been developed recently by the Institute and is now being produced and marketed by a leading Pharmaceutical firm. Its Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) was found to be about 2.0. This paper presents results of investigations on the dispersible type of high protein biscuits in which the groundnut protein has been supplemented with lysine-rich natural materials such as soyabean, wheat germ and pea flours.


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How to Cite

Prabhavathi, C., Usha, M. S., & Bains, G. S. (1973). Effect of Baking on the Protein Quality of High Protein Biscuits. The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics, 10(2), 91–95. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ijnd/article/view/10156



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