Indian Fruit processing Industry: Import and Export Analysis

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Fruit Processing Industry, India, Import and Export Analysis, Fruits, Processed Fruit Products.


India ranks second in the world (production of 45.91 mmt), next only to China (production of 72 mmt), when it comes to fruit production. India contributes 9.54% of the total fruit production of the world. In spite of the India's strong hold on the production of fruits it is alarming to know that India processes just 2% of the total fruit production with an alarming loss of around 35%. Only 20% of the production of processed fruits is being exported. India's share of global exports of fresh fruits and processed fruit products is quite meager when we compare the same with other major fruit producers of the world, i.e., China, Brazil, USA, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Iran, Philippines, Turkey and Thailand (in the same order).

The imports and exports analysis of this particular industry in India has been made using secondary data that was available. This data is then analyzed to know the per cent contribution of each fruit and each processed fruit product towards total imports and exports and CGR of the imports and exports of the same. The effort was made to know the causes for the particular pattern of imports and exports along with recommendations on policy front to elevate Indian fruit processing industry to international standards.

A coordinated, integrated and strategic effort of all the stake holders, i.e., fruit growers, fruit processors, channel members, nodal bodies (Governmental and Non Governmental), and end users is must to turnaround this industry. Fruit Processing Industry of India has to undergo a radical shift to address all the constraints and reap the enormous advantages/benefits/profits which this sector is to offer and be the world's largest fruit processing factory. Problems/constraints have to be studied in wholesome, integrated and strategic manner rather than adopting piecemeal approach.




How to Cite

Bung, P. (2017). Indian Fruit processing Industry: Import and Export Analysis. DHARANA - Bhavan’s International Journal of Business, 6(2), 71–85. Retrieved from



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