Pain without Gain? : Land Assembly and Acquisition for Infrastructure Mega Projects : The Indian Experience with the Bangalore International Airport

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Context, Brand, Bangalore, Evaluation, Corporates, Civil Society and Political Voices.


This comprehensive case study on Bangalore International Airport enumerates in a sequence, in stages and phases the role of people involved who finally make up a mega project. Episodes of people, evaluation of process, procedures and systems and the final call of polity are dilated with precision. The complexities of a mega project make impact on future generation. A recount of these will be utility oriented experience and learning.




How to Cite

Gopalan, K. (2017). Pain without Gain? : Land Assembly and Acquisition for Infrastructure Mega Projects : The Indian Experience with the Bangalore International Airport. DHARANA - Bhavan’s International Journal of Business, 6(2), 3–44. Retrieved from



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