Assessment of Serum Cholinesterase in Rural Punjabi Sprayers Exposed to a Mixture of Pesticides

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Cholinesterase, pesticides, spray workers


Serum cholinesterase (SChE) activity is considered as a biomarker and is also taken as an exposure index to assess the low level, chronic residue exposures among sprayers. Thus, cholinesterase activity was studied in the professional rural Punjabi sprayers of Bathinda district in Punjab. This study was made to estimate the irregularities in the level of cholinesterase according to multiple pesticides used by sprayers, exposure periods, age, and body mass index (BMI) of the sprayers. The data generated was statistically analyzed by applying Student's ‘t' test and one"‘way analysis of variance. A positive correlation was found between SChE activity and years of exposure and a significant reduction in SChE activity was observed in younger population. Again, a positive correlation was seen between BMI and SChE inhibition.


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How to Cite

Dhalla, A. S., & Sharma, S. (2018). Assessment of Serum Cholinesterase in Rural Punjabi Sprayers Exposed to a Mixture of Pesticides. Toxicology International, 20(2), 154–159. Retrieved from



Original Research
Received 2018-08-09
Accepted 2018-08-09
Published 2018-08-09



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