Possible Role of Plasma Ceruloplasmin and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate in Assessing Compliance with Occupational Hygiene and Safety Practices in Waste Management Workers

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Compliance, inflammatory markers, municipal solid wastes, occupational exposure, safety assessment


Objectives: Work"‘related health and safety risks are common among waste management workers (WMWs). This study investigated the level of compliance with safety measures in relation to levels of inflammatory markers among WMWs in Sagamu, South"‘West Nigeria. Materials and Methods: WMWs comprising 30 cart pushers (CPs) and 50 truck users (TUs) were recruited alongside 45 people from the normal population as control. Data on health complaints were obtained from questionnaire surveys. Inflammation was assessed by measuring plasma ceruloplasmin (Cp), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C"‘reactive protein (CRP), and albumin. Results: WMWs exhibited a significantly higher prevalence of respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms and poor compliance with health and safety measures. Significant (P < 0.001) differences were observed in the use of masks, hand gloves, protective clothing, and footwear between TUs and CPs. ESR, Cp, and CRP increased significantly (P < 0.001) by 145, 28.7, and 42.5% in TUs and by 164, 50.5, and 74.3% in CPs, respectively, relative to control. Negative correlation was observed between use of mask (r = −0.225, P < 0.01), use of gloves (r = −0.184, P < 0.05), and Cp and between ESR and washing of hands with soap (r = −0.185, P < 0.05). The use of goggles (r = +0.285, P < 0.001), washing of hands with soap (r = +0.203; P < 0.01), use of masks (r = +0.317, P < 0.001), and use of gloves correlated positively in WMWs. Conclusions: A higher prevalence of work"‘related symptoms and elevated inflammatory markers in WMWs was related to poor compliance with safety measures. ESR and Cp may be useful predictors of occupational hygiene and compliance with safety measures among Nigerian WMWs.


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How to Cite

Odewabi, A. O., Ogundahunsi, O. A., Odewabi, A. A., Oritogun, K. S., & Ekor, M. (2018). Possible Role of Plasma Ceruloplasmin and Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate in Assessing Compliance with Occupational Hygiene and Safety Practices in Waste Management Workers. Toxicology International, 20(2), 146–153. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/toxi/article/view/21721



Original Research
Received 2018-08-09
Accepted 2018-08-09
Published 2018-08-09



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