A Preliminary Scientific Assessment on Holarrhena pubescens Wall

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  • Department of Botany, Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous), Erode – 638012, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Department of Botany, Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous), Erode – 638012, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Department of Botany, Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous), Erode – 638012, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Department of Botany, Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous), Erode – 638012, Tamil Nadu ,IN




Apocyanaceae, B. cereus, E. coli, Holarrhena pubescens, Leaf and Bark Extract


Holarrhena pubescens Wall. (Apocyanaceae) plant is used in traditional systems (Ayurvedic) of medicine, to treat various diseases. The preliminary phytochemical screening of this plant showed positive results for protein, alkaloid, flavonoid and phenolic compounds (ethanol and aqueous extracts of leaf and bark). In both the samples (leaf and bark), carbohydrates and tannin are present in the aqueous extract. Antibacterial activity of the ethanolic leaf extract showed notable activity than the aqueous extract against both tested organisms (Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli) at 100μl concentration.






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