Experimental and Theoretical Studies on Corrosion Inhibition Performance of an Expired Drug on the Corrosion of Mild Steel in the Acid Media

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  • Sri Venkateswara Arts and Science College, Department of Chemistry, Dharmapuri –636809, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Sri Vasavi College, Department of Chemistry, Erode – 638316, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Sri Vasavi College, Department of Chemistry, Erode – 638316, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • PSG College of Technology, Department of Applied Sciences, Coimbatore – 641004, Tamil Nadu ,IN




Corrosion, Electrochemical Impedance, Inhibitor, Potentiodynamic Polarisation


Through weight loss, electrochemical impedance, and potentiodynamic polarisation techniques, the effectiveness of an expired drug in preventing the corrosion of mild steel in acidic environments was investigated. The concentration of inhibitor correlated with the corrosion inhibition efficiency, which peaked in both acid media at 100 μM. The compound is a mixed-type inhibitor of corrosion. The experimental data were connected with computed quantum chemical parameters. According to theoretical studies, the protonated form of corrosion inhibitor contributes more to the observed corrosion inhibition efficacy in acidic conditions than the neutral form.






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