SDMIMD Journal of Management 2024-04-01T11:06:17+0530 Dr. B. Venkatraja [email protected] Open Journal Systems <div id="i-scholarabout" style="font-size: 19px;"><img class="media-object" style="width: 222px; float: left; margin: 0px 16px 15px 20px;" src="" /> <p style="color: red;"><img src="" /> Call for Papers <a href="">click here</a></p> <p style="margin-left: 261px;"><strong>Editor :</strong> Dr. B. Venkatraja<br /><strong>Online ISSN :</strong> 2320-7906<br /><strong>Print ISSN :</strong> 0976-0652<br /><strong>Frequency :</strong> Biannual<br /><strong>Publisher/s :</strong> Informatics Publishing Limited &amp; SDM Institute for Management Development (SDMIMD)</p> <p>SDMIMD Journal of Management is a Bi-annual publication started in 2010. The journal invites articles with a focus on different management issues pertinent to the economy and corporate sector. The Journal also publishes one or more book reviews and a case study in every issue. <strong>The Journal does not charge Publication Fee/Processing Fee from the authors</strong>. <br /><br /><span style="color: blue;">The Journal is Indexed in UGC Care, Index Copernicus, EBSCO, Cosmos, J-Gate, Index Copernicus Value -</span><span style="color: blue;"> ICV 2018 = 95.57</span></p> </div> <p id="homecontent"><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="width: 167px;" src="" alt="" /></a> <a style="margin-left: 29px;" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a> <a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="width: 192px;" src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="width: 125px;" src="" alt="" /></a> <a style="margin-left: -4px;" href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="blank"><img src="" alt="" width="160" height="77" /></a> <!--a href="" target="blank"><img src="" alt="" width="160" height="77" /></a--></p> <p><a href="#" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" /></a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img style="width: 210px;" src="" alt="" width="227" height="77" /></a> <a style="margin-left: 29px;" href="" target="blank"><img src="" alt="" width="136" height="44" /> </a></p> Antecedents of Customer Satisfaction in Postal Financial Services: An Investigation in India Post 2024-04-01T09:48:40+0530 K. R. Reshma [email protected] V. Shacheendran [email protected] <p>The primary intention of the study is to analyse the relationship between the important antecedents of customer satisfaction such as image, expectations, financial service quality, customer interaction quality and perceived value, with customer satisfaction. Therefore, the present study helps better understand the relationship between these variables and how they affect customer satisfaction in the context of the postal sector in India. By employing a well-structured questionnaire to collect data from 201 customers of India Post financial services, an integrated model was designed and evaluated. The results obtained through PLS-SEM explain the relationship between customer satisfaction with financial services in India Post and its antecedents. The results have relevant implications for India Post to better understand the customer’s needs for postal financial services.</p> 2024-03-15T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 K. R. Reshma, V. Shacheendran Effect of Residents’ Attitude on their Perceived Effects of Tourism and Support for Sustainable Tourism 2024-04-01T09:53:51+0530 T. Biju [email protected] Biju Gopal [email protected] A. D. Rajeev Kumar [email protected] F. Sanu [email protected] <p>Amidst sustainable tourism gaining momentum globally, the present study analyses the effect of perceived positive and negative effects of tourism on the support for sustainable tourism among the resident community at an internationally renowned responsible tourism destination, Kumarakom in Kerala. Data collected through a structured questionnaire from 276 respondents residing in and around the destination was used for analysis. Based on a comprehensive review, a theoretical model depicting the relationship between the variables of interest was developed for empirical validation. Appropriate constructs for the model were identified through Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). Then, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was performed to evaluate the measurement model validity. Structural Equation Modelling employing the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method was applied to test the hypothesized model. The study established a significant effect of residents’ perception of the positive and negative effects of responsible tourism on their support for tourism development. The study provided evidence for the negative effect on residents’ perception of the adverse effects of tourism on support for tourism development. The study provides essential inputs for planners and policymakers in realigning sustainable tourism initiatives in such a way as to garner the support of the resident community. It also empirically validates a theoretical model outlining how the perception of residents on the positive and negative effects of tourism influences their support for sustainable tourism.</p> 2023-09-14T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 T. Biju, Biju Gopal, A. D. Rajeev Kumar, Sanu F Existence of Herding Behaviour in the Indian Stock Market: An Empirical Analysis During the COVID-19 Period 2024-04-01T10:00:44+0530 Ved Prakash [email protected] K. Padmasree [email protected] Sarwdaman Kashyap [email protected] <p>The current study focuses on herding behaviour that occurred in the “Indian Stock Market (ISM)” between 2011 and during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic. The study examines the closing price of the NSE benchmark Nifty and 33 companies from three sectoral indices selected out of fifteen available on a daily basis. The sectors are the Auto sector, Nifty Bank, and IT sector, from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2020. Christie and Huang (1995) suggested the CSSD and Chang, <em>et al</em>. (2000) suggested the CSAD models to study the existence of herding behavior during the Covid-19 period. Findings based on the daily closing price reveal that for the ten-year data, no significant herding is present in the market, whereas Covid-19 had caused herding during the rising (up) and falling (down) market. The calculated herding period during the Covid-19 timeframe is from 11 March 2020 to 31 December 2020. The study found no herding between 1st January 2011 to 31 December 2019 in the ISM. The herding was evident during the Covid-19 time frame, possibly due to emotional biases, fear, and uncertainty of the pandemic. The study will be helpful to investors, decision-makers, and market regulators in decisionmaking in the capital market. It will also facilitate brokers and market participants to prepare different trading strategies to be successful in regular times and times of adversity.</p> 2024-02-13T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 Ved Prakash, K. Padmasree, Sarwdaman Kashyap Exploring the Factors Affecting Mobile Payment Adoption Intention Among Women Street Vendors In India 2024-04-01T10:04:57+0530 Prabhakar Nandru [email protected] S. A. Senthilkumar [email protected] <p>This study aims to explore the major determinants of women’s street vendors’ mobile payment (m-payment) adoption in India. This study is examined by a well-known theory namely, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The additional constructs such as Customers’ Digital Literacy (CDL), Perceived Trust (PT), and Social Influence (SI) incorporated into the basic TAM model. The sample respondents particularly women street vendors were interviewed using a structured questionnaire, a judgment sampling method was employed to collect data from 275 women street vendors. The statistical techniques namely descriptive statistics, measurement model or Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study reveal that factors such as CDL, perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), and Perceived Trust (PT) have significantly determined the intention to adopt and use m-payment methods among women street vendors. However, Social Influence (SI) has shown an insignificant effect on women street vendors’ m-payment payment adoption intention. The study’s empirical results offer valuable insights to the central bank, and policymakers to take strategic steps for reaching the one of the Government of India (GoI) digital India initiatives.</p> 2024-01-19T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 Prabhakar Nandru, S. A. Senthilkumar Firm Specific Factors and Profitability of Indian Life Insurers 2024-04-01T10:11:03+0530 Kingshuk Adhikari [email protected] Ankita Ghosh [email protected] <p>In the present competitive scenario, profit plays a major role in the survival and growth of every business enterprise in all sectors. Companies operating in the life insurance sector also face profitability contention with their rivals, especially among the private players who have entered the Indian market in a large number after the liberalization of the economy. The profitability of companies is affected by multiple factors which include firm-specific factors as well as external factors. In a competitive scenario, insurers having proper management of the controllable factors, i.e., the firm-specific factors may show better performance than others. Thus, the present paper tries to analyse the association of firm specific variables with the performance of life insurance companies operating in India. The impact of underwriting risk, company size, liquidity, volume of equity capital and tangibility on the performance of Indian life insurers have been analysed. A total of six life insurers operating in the Indian market have been taken as samples and annual statements for ten financial years, i.e., from 2010- 11 to 2019-20 have been used. Apart from basic descriptives, Correlation and Multiple Regression analysis have been used as statistical tools in the study. The findings reveal a positive relationship between Underwriting risk, Liquidity and Size of the company with profitability while Tangibility and Equity Capital have a negative relationship with profitability. Except for tangibility, the significant influence of all the firm-specific factors on the profitability of insurers has been observed in the study.</p> 2023-09-14T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 Kingshuk Adhikari, Ankita Ghosh Flipkart’s Sales Promotion Tools: A Model Development Study 2024-04-01T10:18:32+0530 Ajay B. Jamnani [email protected] Jyoti Jamnani [email protected] <p>Online retailers in India have tested various possible means to lure customers with promotional offerings such as discounts, cashback, loyalty programs, contests, electronic word of mouth, customer recommendations, reviews, flash sales, etc. Online customers face the challenge of analyzing, responding, and making their buying decisions accordingly. This empirical study aimed to ascertain the influence of various online sales promotional tools adopted by Flipkart on customers. A quantitative research approach was adopted and deployed for this particular research study. Data was elicited using a Likert Scale and administered on online buyers, and a model was developed and tested for the e-commerce player ‘Flipkart’ using the PLS-SEM technique. It explains the influence of two constructs, namely psychology, and consciousness, upon respondents’ Shopping Experience, and was found that constructs explained customers’ shopping experiences in the case of Flipkart.</p> 2024-01-19T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 Ajay B. Jamnani, Dr. Jyoti Jamnani Does Remittance Promote Socio-Economic Development? Evidence from Bangladesh 2024-04-01T10:22:39+0530 Md. Yousuf [email protected] Raju Ahmed [email protected] Shah Md. Sumon [email protected] <p>Bangladesh is promoting remittance inflows as it has become one of the main sources of foreign exchange. This paper investigates how remittances promote socio-economic development in Bangladesh by using the time series data for the period of 1990-2020. Unit root test shows that all variables are stationary at first difference. That is, integrated of order one I(1). The long-run relationship is ensured by the Johansen Cointegration approach. Finally, we use Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) to estimate the impact. The results confirm that remittances and HDI in Bangladesh are interrelated long-run. The long-run coefficient indicates that an increase in remittance inflow will promote socio-economic development measured by HDI. For the disaggregate Level, we examine the impact of remittances on per capita GDP, life expectancy, and years of schooling. In the long run, remittances promote per capita GDP, life expectancy, and years of schooling.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Md. Yousuf, Raju Ahmed, Shah Md. Sumon Travel Motivation Among Millennials- Role of Social Media on Tourism in Madhya Pradesh 2024-04-01T10:42:40+0530 Namrata Kishnani [email protected] Vivek Sharma [email protected] <p>The emergence of new internet-enabled technologies and social media, with increasing usage of smartphones, have transformed communication in the tourism industry. Social media has enabled tourists to search, share, and co-create tourism-related content. It has become one of the potential sources for tourists to plan, organize, and fulfill their expectations. The following paper aims to explore the role of social media on tourists’ intentions to visit tourist destinations in Madhya Pradesh. The research design explores already available and published reading materials along with performing a primary data survey. The study collects responses from 170 tourists through a structured questionnaire. Analysis of the same was conducted using descriptive techniques like percentages, charts, and F test based on gender in Excel. The key findings reveal a strong influence of social media on tourism and travelers who primarily rely on social media for information searches and planning their vacations. Destination managers and travellers being the primary stakeholders have been using social media for co-creating (e-word of mouth), sharing, and disseminating tourism experiences that have led to the emergence of new business models. The study aims to assist tourism destination managers in managing their online communications to enhance their customer loyalty and destination branding through customer engagement and retention through social media marketing applications. The research study will offer unique dimensions for the extensive use of social media marketing for tourism destination image and tourist intention.</p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 Namrata Kishnani, Vivek Sharma Volatility Linkages in Commodity Futures Markets: Evidence from the Rubber Futures Market in India 2023-02-06T17:03:15+0530 P. Narayanan [email protected] T. K. Sebastian [email protected] N. Karunakaran [email protected] <p>The volatility spill-over effect of the commodity futures markets has been a matter of debate ever since the establishment of futures markets in India. The apprehensions regarding the price destabilizing role of futures trade called for overcautious regulatory supervision. The actions like suspension of contracts, bans on futures trade in certain commodities, and restrictions on trade volumes were very frequent; making the growth of the commodity futures market a chequered one. The Expert Committee appointed in 2007 to examine the effect of futures trade on commodity prices failed to make any categorical remark partly on account of the absence of long-term data. A commodity-specific analysis is much warranted as the price effect of the futures trade varies across the markets. The paper examined the volatility spill-over effect of the rubber futures market using a bivariate GARCH model with BEKK parameterization and found that there is no positive volatility spill-over from futures to spot. The weak linkage between futures trade and futures price variation further strengthens the finding. The absence of volatility spill-over from futures to spot in the case of rubber is due to the failure of the futures market to lead the spot market in pricing the commodity.</p> 2024-02-09T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 P. Narayanan, T. K. Sebastian, N. Karunakaran Work-Life Balance – Its Impact on Job Satisfaction among the Healthcare Workers in Senapati District, Manipur 2024-04-01T11:06:17+0530 Ph Dale Thro [email protected] Ganga Prasad Prasain [email protected] <p>Healthcare workers play an essential role in our day-to-day lives. Their ability to stay focused on the job, stay satisfied with their job, and maintain a healthy balance between their professional work and personal lives are prudence for them to discharge their duty effectively and efficiently. As a cross-sectional study and quantitative investigation, this study focuses on the healthcare workers’ work-life balance and its impact on job satisfaction. Using random sampling, a questionnaire survey was conducted, which was analysed through IBM SPSS Statistics 21. To achieve the goals of the study, statistical tools like Cronbach’s Alpha, independent-sample t-test, exploratory factor analysis, and Pearson correlation coefficient are employed. The study found that 5 per cent of healthcare workers have no balance between work and personal life, while 72.3 per cent are moderately balanced and 22.7 per cent are highly balanced. The study also found that female and unmarried healthcare workers have significantly higher work-life balance than male and married workers, respectively. Work-life balance and job satisfaction were found to have a moderately positive relationship, suggesting a significant linear relationship between the two variables. Thus, top management and employers in the healthcare industry must improve the policies and initiatives relating to work-life balance to keep the employees satisfied. Further, such policies and initiatives should be framed strategically to maintain equality for all employees, mainly male and female and married and unmarried workers.</p> 2024-03-15T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2023 Ph Dale Thro, Ganga Prasad Prasain Mastering the Market Cycle – Getting the Odds on Your Side 2024-03-14T17:38:31+0530 Vasumathy S. Hariharan [email protected] <p>No Abstract.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Vasumathy S. Hariharan Editorial 2024-03-20T13:55:39+0530 B. Venkatraja [email protected] <p>No Abstract.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 B. Venkatraja