Uses and Application of Positive Psychology in Management Education Delivery

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  • Nitte School of Management, Bangalore ,IN


Positive Psychology, Institution Building, Mentoring, Professional Excellence.


Positive Psychology is the scientific study of what goes right in life from birth till end and at all stages in between. It is a branch of psychology which enquires into those things which make life worth living. It focuses on areas of experience mainly at three levels namely a) subjective level (subjective 'states' and positive emotions b) Individual levels (study of positive behaviours and traits which go to make what is known as 'character strength') and c) group or societal level.

Study of 'what goes right' and what 'makes life worth living' must be the core of all teaching in general and management education in particular. The heart of education is education of heart itself. For management educators, exposure to Positive Psychology is almost inescapable. It deals with several concepts and techniques that help make delivery close to heart, mind and psyche of students.

Positive Psychology as developed by Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson is relatively a young science. Every teacher needs to be trained on these lines as a part of faculty development. Martin Seligman and Christopher Peterson have identified 24 virtues which make for 'character strength'. An understanding and application of at least few of those virtues will help teachers rise above the ordinary mass. Teachers who are exposed to Positive Psychology will be better equipped in dealing with their students in terms of coaching, mentoring and building muscles of responsibility.

Positive psychology forays into institution building exercises too. It addresses issues like development of civic virtues, creation of healthy families, study of healthy working environments and positive communities. It helps teachers understand importance of developing the flow in themselves and the students, identifying positive emotions, positive affectivity, happiness, and so on.

The full paper deals with these issues and many other and seeks to provide an insight into positive psychology for personal growth, professional excellence and organizational commitment and responsibility.




How to Cite

Shetty, N. J. (2014). Uses and Application of Positive Psychology in Management Education Delivery. Nitte Management Review, 8(2), 43–50. Retrieved from


