A Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Final Alcohol Rinse and 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite as a Final Irrigant on Sealer Coverage of Root Canals. An in Vitro Study

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95% Ethanol, 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite, Nitric Acid, Methyl Salicylate


Tensioactive agents may alter dentinal wettability allowing increased sealer penetration into dentinal tubules. This may improve the apical seal and better entomb remaining bacteria. The purpose of this study was to determine if a final rinse of alcohol or sodium hypochlorite increased sealer coverage of root canal. The samples were randomly divided into four groups according tu the method of sealer placement and final irrigant used. Group 1 tile and 95% ethanol, group 2 tile and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite, group 3 lentulospiral and 95% ethanol, group 4 lentulospiral and 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. The samples were obturated with AH26 as sealer mixed with carbon black powder and gutta percha, All samples were decalcified with 5% nitric acid and dehydrated in alcohol , followed by clearing in methyl salicylate. The cleared samples were measured under dissecting microscope for sealer penetration with the help of millimeter scale. Although a final rinse of alcohol did not increase sealer coverage, a high variability was found in the middle and apical third portions of the root canals.



How to Cite

Dexter, B., P. S., T., & V. R., B. (2018). A Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Final Alcohol Rinse and 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite as a Final Irrigant on Sealer Coverage of Root Canals. An in Vitro Study. Journal of Pierre Fauchard Academy (India Section), 25(4), 185–189. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/jpfa/article/view/23041



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