Comparative Analytical Study of Shatavari Ghrut Prepared by Two Different Rules of Snehapak: A Quantitative Estimation of Shatavarin IV

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  • Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved Medical College (MGAC), Hospital and Research Centre, Salod, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (DMIMS), (Deemed to be University), Sawangi, Wardha – 442001, Maharashtra ,IN
  • Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved Medical College (MGAC), Hospital and Research Centre, Salod, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences (DMIMS), (Deemed to be University), Sawangi, Wardha – 442001, Maharashtra ,IN



Duration of Snehapak, Physicochemical Analysis, Sneha Kalpana, Stability


Background: Sneha Kalpana is an important dosage form in Ayurveda known for treating various diseases. Sneha Kalpana involves extracting fat and transforming water-soluble active components from simple ingredients into a fatty substance known as Sneha. There are many rules mentioned for Sneha preparation, which include an essential guideline of adhering to a specific time duration for the Snehapaka process. This duration is not fixed and varies depending on the nature and constituents of the Dravya (ingredients) incorporated along with the Sneha. Aim: To prepare Shatavari Ghrut adhering to both the rules, develop SOP and then analyse its physicochemical properties, quantitative High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) analysis and microbial counts. Method: Shatavari Ghrut is one of the formulations which is broadly used in Ayurveda practice. In this formulation milk is used as liquid media and also the roots of Shatavari (Asparagus racemossus wild) are used. According to the time duration of snehapak, two rules are applicable here, which are, Sneha is prepared using milk for a duration of 2 days and Sneha is prepared using Mool (Roots) for 12 days, so accordingly Shatavari Ghrut 1 (SG1) is prepared in 2 days and Shatavari Ghrut 2 (SG2) is prepared in 12 days. Result: The physicochemical parameters suggest that both the SG1 (2 days) and SG2 (12 days) exhibit similar characteristics with minor variations, the HPTLC fingerprinting results for both the SG1 and SG2 samples observe that Shatavarin IV percentage is higher in SG2 (12 days) than SG1 (2 days). Conclusion: The higher concentration of Shatavarin IV in the SG2 (12 days) indicates that prolonged processing enhances the extraction or synthesis of this bioactive compound in Shatavari Ghrut. So SG2 may have better therapeutic efficacy and higher stability than SG1.


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How to Cite

Paradkar, A., & Wanjari, A. (2024). Comparative Analytical Study of <i>Shatavari Ghrut</i> Prepared by Two Different Rules of <i>Snehapak</i>: A Quantitative Estimation of <i>Shatavarin</i> IV. Journal of Natural Remedies, 24(8), 1763–1771.



Research Articles


Received 2024-05-01
Accepted 2024-07-01
Published 2024-08-31



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