Taxonomical, Phytochemical, Traditional Explanation, Nutritional Values, and Biological Activities of Certain Edible Medicinal Plants of Tripura, India

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  • Natural cum Advance Synthetic Lab, Department of Pharmacy, Tripura University (A Central University), Suryamaninagar – 799022, Agartala ,IN
  • Natural cum Advance Synthetic Lab, Department of Pharmacy, Tripura University (A Central University), Suryamaninagar – 799022, Agartala ,IN
  • Natural cum Advance Synthetic Lab, Department of Pharmacy, Tripura University (A Central University), Suryamaninagar – 799022, Agartala ,IN
  • Natural cum Advance Synthetic Lab, Department of Pharmacy, Tripura University (A Central University), Suryamaninagar – 799022, Agartala ,IN



Biological Activities, Edible Medicinal Plants, Nutritional Values, Phytochemicals, Tripura
Natural product


Edible plants are used as valuable sources of food and medicine to prevent nutritional imbalance, illness, and maintenance of human health. This review covers botanical descriptions, phytochemicals studies, traditional comprehensions, dietary values, and biological activities of ten vegetable plants and eight fruit plants of Tripura, India. The book "The Flora of Tripura State” helps to choose the plant species of Tripura, India and PubMed, NCBI, Google scholar databases have been used to describe the plant species briefly. Literature reveals that all the selected edible plants contain bio-active constituents (alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids, glycosides, etc.) and give dynamic biological activities. All the plants have a high nutritional value. This review believes it will provide significant advances in the prevention of malnutrition and chronic diseases.


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How to Cite

Debnath, B., Somraj Singh, W., Goswami, S., & Manna, K. (2021). Taxonomical, Phytochemical, Traditional Explanation, Nutritional Values, and Biological Activities of Certain Edible Medicinal Plants of Tripura, India. Journal of Natural Remedies, 21(3), 173–188.



Review Articles
Received 2020-09-23
Accepted 2021-04-20
Published 2021-07-06



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