Backward Error of Approximate Eigenelements Of a Regular Rational Matrix

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  • Department of Mathematics, Sikkim University, Gangtok-737102, Sikkim ,IN



Rational matrix, Realization, Matrix polynomial, Eigenvalue, Eigenvector, Fiedler pencil, Linearization, Backward error.
65F15, 15A18, 15B57, 15A22


We consider a minimal realization of a rational matrix. We perturb all the coefficients of matrix polynomial and some coefficients from the realization part present in the realization form of rational matrix. We derive explicit computable formulae for backward error of approximate eigenvalues and eigenpairs of regular rational matrix. We also determine minimal perturbations for all the coefficients of matrix polynomial and some coefficients from the realization part for which approximate eigenvalues are exact eigenvalues of the perturbed rational matrix.


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How to Cite

Behera, N. (2024). Backward Error of Approximate Eigenelements Of a Regular Rational Matrix. The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 91(1-2), 203–216.
Received 2022-09-07
Accepted 2023-01-20
Published 2024-01-01



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