A Study on Discrete Model of a Prey-Predator Ecosystem with Limited and Unlimited Resources

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  • Department of Mathematics, Chaitanya Degree College (Autonomous) Hanamkonda, 506 001 ,IN


Eigen Value, Equilibrium Point, Prey, Predator, Stable.
Mathematical Logic and Foundation


In this paper, we study on discrete model of two interacting species a prey-predator eco-system with limited and unlimited resources. The system comprises of a prey (S1), a predator (S2) that survives upon S1. The basic equations for this model constitute as two first order non-linear coupled ordinary difference equations. All possible equilibrium points are identified based on the model equations and criteria for their stability are discussed. The model would be stable if absolute value of each of the eigen values of the characteristic equation is less than one.


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How to Cite

Hari Prasad, B. (2015). A Study on Discrete Model of a Prey-Predator Ecosystem with Limited and Unlimited Resources. The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 82(3-4), 169–179. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/jims/article/view/1691



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