On Relative Order and Relative Type Based Growth Properties of Differential Monomials

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  • Department of Mathematics, University of Kalyani, P.O.-Kalyani, Dist-Nadia, 741235, West Bengal ,IN
  • Rajbari, Rabindrapalli, R. N. Tagore Road, P.O. Krishnagar, Dist-Nadia, 741101, West Bengal ,IN
  • Jhorehat F. C. High School for Girls, P.O.- Jhorehat, Dist-Howrah, 711302, West Bengal ,IN


Entire Function, Meromorphic Function, Relative Order, Relative Type, Differential Monomial.
Education and Research


In this paper some newly developed results based on the growth properties of relative order (relative lower order), relative type (relative lower type) and relative weak type of differential monomials generated by entire and meromorphic functions are investigated.


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How to Cite

Datta, S. K., Biswas, T., & Bhattacharyya, S. (2015). On Relative Order and Relative Type Based Growth Properties of Differential Monomials. The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 82(3-4), 39–52. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/jims/article/view/1681



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