On κ-Bijective Homomorphisms of Totally Projective Abelian p-Groups

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  • Department of Mathematics, Plovdiv University, Plovdiv 4000 ,BG


Abelian Groups, κ, -Bijections, Totally Projective Groups.
Numerical Analysis


Suppose κ is an arbitrary ordinal. The concept of κ-bijective homomorphism of abelian groups plays an important role in the modern abelian group theory. We study it in the case of totally projective abelian p-groups, provided κ is uncountable, thus extending some classical results in this way.


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How to Cite

Danchev, P. V. (2015). On κ-Bijective Homomorphisms of Totally Projective Abelian p-Groups. The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 82(3-4), 13–22. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/jims/article/view/1679



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