Hospital Based Study On The Risk Factors And Clinical Profile Of Patients With Pancreatitis In Mysuru City

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A cute/chronic pancreatitis, alcohol, serum lipase and amylase, Balthazar CTSI.


Pancreatitis is the pathologic inflammation of pancreas with diverse etiological factors. The incidence of pancreatitis cases and related hospitalizations have been increasing over the last decade. A total number of 30 patients (28 male and 2 female) from a hospital set-up were recruited for the study. A structured questionnaire was developed and administered to collect various information related to the study. The results revealed that alcohol was the major risk factor especially in the male patients. The occurrence was higher in the rural population as com pared to urban. Approximately 50% of the patients had serum lipase and amylase levels higher than 3 fold of normal which is considered diagnostic of pancreatitis. Balthazar CT severity index indicated that majority of the subjects had mild severity.



How to Cite

Bhat, P. R., Karunakaran, C. G., & Urooj, A. (2021). Hospital Based Study On The Risk Factors And Clinical Profile Of Patients With Pancreatitis In Mysuru City. Journal of Indian Dietetics Association, 41(2), 10–19. Retrieved from



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