A Study On Lifestyle Factors And Nutritional Status Of Hypertensive Subjects

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Hypertension, Lifestyle, Stress and Blood Pressure


To study the lifestyle factors and nutritional status of hypertensive subjects. One twenty (120) patients were selected from Punjab Agricultural University Hospital, Ludhiana in the age group of 45 to 60 years including (60 male and 60 female). It was found that age was one of the important risk factors contributing towards hypertension. Further it was also reported that majority of the selected subjects i.e. 85% of males and 93.3% of females were from urban areas. Sedentary lifestyle and stress at home place were also found to be the major risk factors of prevalence of hypertension. Among dietary factors percent adequacy o f fats and oils among the selected subjects was found to be very high i.e. 152.4 and 194.5% among males and fem ales respectively. This could be one of the major factors co ntributing to prevalence of hypertension.



How to Cite

Navneet, S. K., & Neerja, S. (2021). A Study On Lifestyle Factors And Nutritional Status Of Hypertensive Subjects. Journal of Indian Dietetics Association, 41(1), 36–46. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/jida/article/view/27918






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