A Comparative Analysis Of The 2017 Indian Food Composition Data Base Vs The 1989 Indian Food Composition Data Base

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Food Composition Database, Indian, Nutritional Composition


Aim: To assess the differences between the old and new Indian food composition databases and to evaluate the impact of the expansion of new food composition information on the existing dietetic practices. Methods: In the comparative analysis of the two food databases, a total of 117 foods were compared for differences in their composition by calculating the percentage change in values of food constituents in the new database as compared to the old database. Prior to the assessment of the differences between the two data bases, the nutritive values for all the foods were computed for 100% dry part to bring about uniformity and overcome the differences in moisture content of these foods between the databases. Results: The updated database differs extensively from the preceding version. Not only is the new database more representative of the various foods consumed across India, but also all the data reported are based on laboratory analysis carried out by the National Institute of Nutrition laboratories. Also, the new database reports values for added micronutrients as well as for bioactive components in Indian foods. Considerable difference in macro and micronutrient content of foods is noted in the new database when compared to the old database. Conclusions: The updated Indian Food Composition Database with accurate and nationally representative data on nutritive and non-nutritive composition of Indian foods will greatly assist food and nutrition professionals in India with improving their estimates of dietary intakes and in turn improving their advice to patients, clients and consumers.



How to Cite

Vispute, S., Mandlik, R., Khadilkar, A., Khadilkar, V., & Gondhalekar, K. (2021). A Comparative Analysis Of The 2017 Indian Food Composition Data Base Vs The 1989 Indian Food Composition Data Base. Journal of Indian Dietetics Association, 43(2), 9–20. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/jida/article/view/27795



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