Perceptions of Health among Rural Health Workers

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  • Department of Applied Psychology Vivekananda College, University of Delhi, Delhi ,IN
  • Professor, Department of Applied Psychology Vivekananda, College, University of Delhi, Delhi ,IN
  • Department of Applied Psychology, Vivekananda College, University of Delhi, Delhi ,IN


health workers, rural, emotional well-being, myths, stigmas.


This study aimed to explore the perceptions of rural healthcare workers regarding health during the COVID-19 pandemic. A sample of 15 health workers actively serving in Goora village of Utter Pradesh during the pandemic was chosen for this research. Interviews which were semi-structured were used to collect the data. Dominant themes of the data were derived using Thematic analysis. Health workers perceived health as an absence of illness and the ability of the individual to carry out everyday routine. Additionally, emotional well-being is acknowledged as an important determinant of health. The health workers attributed the differences in their perceptions and those of lay persons to a lack of education and social/cultural factors. Stigmas and myths are reported as being deeply embedded in perceptions regarding mental health. The relevance of context and background for implementing health schemes and incentives is discussed.




