Community Assets of Adolescents from Low Socio-economic Background

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  • Professor and Head, Department of Psychology Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu ,IN
  • Research Scholar, Department of Psychology Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu ,IN


community assets, community resilience, well-being, low socioeconomic background, adolescent


Adolescents from low socioeconomic backgrounds face several vulnerabilities that impede their positive adaptation. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the strengths and resources within the communities to enhance community development. The aim of the present study is to explore the community assets of adolescents from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Data were collected from 1000 households in the community of adolescents from low socioeconomic backgrounds selected through purposive sampling, with 262 male and 738 female respondents. The respondents were 17 to 90 years of age (M = 45.06; SD =15.72). Participants completed the self-report measures for community assets. The findings show that the participants reported lacking community assets like human capital, social, physical, and economic assets, self-efficacy, motivation, perceived local support, and individual and community participation. Identifying assets and enhancing resources and capabilities opens up a novel approach to improving health and addressing disparities. Researchers can identify areas requiring intervention by conducting assessment surveys, which aid policymaking. Moreover, this study advocates for the adoption of positive health approaches by researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, emphasizing the promotion of well-being to enhance community resilience.








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