HuSS: International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences 2024-02-21T10:55:22+0530 Open Journal Systems <div id="i-scholarabout"><img class="media-object" style="width: 222px; float: left; margin: 0px 35px 15px 20px;" src="" /> <p><strong>Editor-in-Chief:</strong> Dr. S. K. Jayanthi<br /><strong>Online ISSN:</strong> 2349-8900<br /><strong>Print ISSN:</strong> 2349-4778<br /><strong>Frequency:</strong> Biannual<br /><strong>Publishers:</strong> Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous)<br /><strong>Published Since:</strong> 2014</p> <br />HuSS is a Refereed Journal and also reviewed by the Editorial Board. The articles are strictly scanned for plagiarism check before final acceptance. HuSS publishes original papers, reviewed articles, empirical research, case studies, conceptual frame work and analytical models in the disciplines of English Language and Literature History including Archaeology, Anthropology and Political Science Commerce Business Management Economics.</div> A Study on Women’s Online Purchasing Behaviour in Erode 2024-02-21T10:55:18+0530 V. R. Malarvizhi With the advent of internet technology, a new evolution has emerged and turned the nature of purchasing behaviour of people significantly. The internet is a magic tool that aids online shopping. Previously, women had a setback in purchasing online, but the situation is now changing from offline shopping to online shopping. The present study was conducted among 200 female respondents in Erode with the aim of identifying the spending pattern and factors influencing respondents’ online purchasing behaviour. The data were collected through a well-framed questionnaire with Google forms. The statistical tools namely chi-square analysis, weighted average score analysis and Garrett Ranking method were used for analyzing the data. The present study indicated that the profile variables namely age, residential area, occupation, monthly income, and marital status had significantly associated with the spending level of the respondents. ‘Discounts and offers’ was ranked as the primary preference factor towards online purchasing behavior. The study concluded that online retailers should give guarantees about the security of personal information of their customers so that they might continue online purchasing in the future. 2023-06-30T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) An Empirical Investigation of the Rural-Urban Divide of Health Parameters in Tamil Nadu 2024-02-21T10:55:19+0530 V. Santhi K. P. Radhika The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on "Good Health and Well-being" holds the nucleus place of the study, which aims to ensure healthy life and promotion of well-being for all lives. Equal status in health care is considered as the main long-term principle of health policy in India which satisfies the need of poor and underprivileged people. The equity of health parameters is best achieved with the assessment and direction of all the states of India working towards the same. In this aspect, the present study analyses the state-level disparities in health parameters on various dimensions. The rural-urban disparity in health is a common challenge for all the states of India and hence, the study assessed the extent of rural-urban disparity in the vital healthcare parameters in the state of Tamil Nadu, as observed by the data of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS 1, 2, 3 and 4). The disparity index calculated with the NFHS statistics on the achievements with regard to total fertility rate, crude birth rate, infant mortality rate, and child mortality rate, the rural population is at a greater disadvantage than the urban population in the case of Tamil Nadu. This calls for proper and adequate consideration by health officials to ensure equity in health care to achieve the SDG and the millennium development goals that will enable Tamil Nadu to achieve sustainable development over the long run. 2023-06-30T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) Customers’ Preference for Banking Services with State Bank of India 2024-02-21T10:55:18+0530 R. P. Manjula In India, the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors play a vital role in building its economy. The important tertiary sector that helps in the circulation of money is the banking sector which builds the Indian economy. The structure of the banking industry has changed largely because of the economic and financial changes after demonetization and changing government policy. Meanwhile, commercial banks strive to differentiate themselves from one another as they compete for their share of the market. Banks always try to retain their existing customers by providing quality services that lead to customer satisfaction. India has the highest number of bank branches in the world. The present study considered the customers of the State Bank of India (SBI) as it caters to the needs of both the government, central as well as state. The study has been conducted with the aim of analyzing the preference for banking services with SBI. In Erode, there are 13 branches of SBI. The samples were selected from all the 13 branches of SBI in Erode town by Judgement sampling technique. A total of 700 customers who visited the bank are selected and the data has been collected from them through the distribution of well-structured questionnaire. It was found that the customers prefer SBI for keeping savings bank accounts mainly for the purpose of construction of house. 2023-06-30T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) Language and Violence: Teaching English language during the Anthropocene 2024-02-21T10:55:20+0530 Sangeetha Puthiyedath <p>In this article I will be examining two aspects of aspects of language teaching that needs to be addressed urgently. The first one involves the relationship between culture and language. I will be examining the role of cultural embedding involved in language teaching and learning and the need for decolonising materials. I will also be looking at the violence inherent in languages belong to communities wielding power and hegemony – in this instance, English. In a sense, the second issue is an extension of the first problem. In this article, I argue that the violence towards nature which is the hallmark of the Anthropocene, is sustained and perpetuated through languages. While teaching English there is an urgent need to become aware of the insidious ways in which exploitative practices are sustained through language.      </p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) Home as Empire of the Heart in <i>The Home Front Girls</i> by Rosie Goodwin 2024-02-21T10:55:20+0530 Olive Thambi Rajesh Albert The paper aims to bring out the best in the three female protagonists during a crisis in the novel <em>The Home Front Girls</em> by Rosie Goodwin. Charles Darwin's concept of "survival of the fittest" is the looking glass through which the lives of the trio are assessed in this paper. The courage, determination and strong will of these women make them overcome seemingly insurmountable circumstances. With the imminent war lurking within and without, living each day becomes an ordeal for all irrespective of class, race and gender. These women prove that all is not lost and that one just needs the grit and perseverance to move on in life, despite the odds. 2023-06-30T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) Religious Practices and Beliefs of Bedakampana Lingayats Residing in the Thalakkarai Hamlet of the Burgur Hills in Tamil Nadu 2024-02-21T10:55:22+0530 N. Kavitha <p>India, the world's largest democratic nation, boasts a diverse and rich cultural heritage, with a population of approximately 1,417,681,535 as of April 15, 2023. The country comprises 28 states and 8 union territories, housing a citizenry that represents various religions, origins, dialects, and beliefs. Within this diverse population, certain communities reside in remote suburbs or forested areas, such as the Bedakampana Lingayats of Thalakkarai village live in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Despite limited attention from social scientists, these Lingayats embrace their traditions as a means of navigating modernity. They demonstrate a remarkable balance between preserving their distinct identity and actively contributing to India's rich cultural and religious diversity. This paper aims to explore the religious practices and beliefs of the Bedakampana Lingayats of Thalakkarai, focusing on their worship rituals, religious ceremonies, and festivals. The Lingayats, also known as Lingawants, Lingangis, Lingadharis, Shivabhaktas, and Virasaivas, are devout followers of Lord Shiva. As strict vegetarians, they prefer to be addressed as Virasaivas. Their name derives from the Sanskrit word "Linga", symbolizing their profound devotion to Lord Shiva. By delving into their religious lives and examining the authenticity of their practices, this study sheds light on the contributions of the Bedakampana Lingayats to India's cultural and religious tapestry.</p> 2023-06-30T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) Muslim Reluctance to Western Education in Madras Presidency - A Review 2024-02-21T10:55:21+0530 S. Z. Niazudeen Education is an indispensable requirement for the social, economic, and political development of any community. But the divergent Muslim communities in the Madras Presidency had remained aloof from the modern Western system of education of the British Government. It is interesting to note that the Muslim religious inclination had a say in remaining aloof from the Western system of education which was considered a taboo to the community and had resulted in their backwardness in the social ladder. This paper is a review of Muslim educational conditions in the Madras Presidency and brings forth the slow phase of their educational attainments and its implications. 2023-06-30T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c)