Aurobindo – A Brief Profile

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  • Executive Member, Society for Professional Ethics and Management ,IN


Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950) was a great philosopher, yoga guru and educationist. Although he began his youthful life as a freedom fighter while being an administrative officer he later moved to a philosophical career and was deeply into spiritualism. This he pursued till the end living in his Ashram in Pondicherry along with his disciples.


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How to Cite

Krishnadas, T. (2021). Aurobindo – A Brief Profile. Asian Journal of Professional Ethics & Management, 13(2), 11–13. Retrieved from



Britannica, Biography and facts,,

Sri Aurobindo, India, Ideological discourses – Debashish Banerji International Journal of Dharma Studies (Nov 2013) – Springer Publications. Springer Open website.

‘Sri Aurobindo as a Spiritual Optimist – The Life Devine and Synthesis of Yoga’ Dr S Jayanti Shanmugam & M. Umai Arsi (K. S. Rangaswamy College of Technology) Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, Jan. 2016.

Sri Aurobindo ‘An integral review’ Nipa Sarkar, Dept of Education, Mahadevananda Mahavidyalaya, Barrakpore, Indian Journal of Research (ISSN No. 2250-1991), Vol. 7, Issue 8 (Aug 2018)

‘Educational Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo Ghosh’ – Alka Saini, Journal- Recent Redsearch in Social Sciences & Humanities (Issue 2, Year 4, Jul-Aug – Sep (2017), pages 70-75, (ISSN 2348-3318)