Taking Children from Earth to the Solar World

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The highlight of the 12 days Creative Empowerment Camp (Summer Camp) 2019 for children organised by the CARTMAN Society, Bangalore, at the Catman Centre of Excellence, Koramangala, jointly with Utkarsha Cultural Association of Dr. Radha Kulkarni, was a special talk on the solar system by Dr.V.R.Lalithambika (Director, ISRO, incharge of Directorate of Human Space Programme. She literally took the children to the sky through a motherly talk with a power point presentation on the various planets on the solar system, above earth. The nearly one hour presentation that the Camp participants keenly heard and watched on the power point screen, was followed with an interactive session. Questions were aplenty from the kids, with Dr.Lalithambika like a tutor and a mother (more than a scientist) answering every question clearing the curiosity of the children, coming down to the children’s level in words and expressions.


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How to Cite

., . (2019). Taking Children from Earth to the Solar World. Asian Journal of Professional Ethics & Management, 11(1), 5–6. Retrieved from http://mail.informaticsjournals.com/index.php/ajpem/article/view/40312



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