Exploring Quality of Life Disparities: A Comparative Investigation of Rural and Urban Women Entrepreneurs

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  • Department of Social Work, University of Delhi, New Delhi - 110021, Delhi ,IN
  • Department of Human Development and Family Studies, School of Home Science, BBAU, Lucknow - 226025, Uttar Pradesh ,IN




Quality of Life, Rural and Urban Settings, Women Entrepreneurship


Women entrepreneurs often face a complex interplay of professional and personal challenges that significantly impact their overall quality of life. This study aims to explore and compare the Quality of Life among rural and urban women entrepreneurs in Lucknow, India. Employing a descriptive research design, the study involved 50 respondents, with an equal distribution between rural and urban areas. Data were collected through structured interviews using a demographic data sheet and the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire, which assesses Quality of Life across physical, psychological, social, and environmental domains. The findings reveal notable disparities between the two groups: urban entrepreneurs reported higher mean Quality of Life (QoL) scores compared to their rural counterparts. This discrepancy may be attributed to better access to essential services, broader business opportunities, higher income potential, and a more diverse range of leisure activities available in urban areas. Additionally, urban entrepreneurs benefit from enhanced infrastructure, more robust support networks, and greater exposure to innovation and technology, all of which contribute to improved well-being. The study underscores the critical role of geographical context in influencing the Quality of Life for women entrepreneurs and highlights the necessity for targeted interventions to address these disparities. By providing valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders, this research advocates for the creation of supportive environments that foster the holistic well-being and success of women entrepreneurs, thereby promoting inclusive economic growth. Overall, the study emphasizes the importance of a balanced approach to professional and personal life in enhancing the Quality of Life for women entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite

Roy, A., & Singh, S. (2024). Exploring Quality of Life Disparities: A Comparative Investigation of Rural and Urban Women Entrepreneurs. Journal of Ecophysiology and Occupational Health, 24(3), 305–313. https://doi.org/10.18311/jeoh/2024/43500



Research Article
Received 2024-04-08
Accepted 2024-05-22
Published 2024-05-30



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