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Dear Members,

I am writing this report just one week after the Annual Assembly (AA) and International Conference of the International Institute of Welding (IIW) at Istanbul, Turkey. Welding fraternity in India has many reasons to be proud of in that mega event. Dr. Baldev Raj, former president of our Institute has been elected as President Elect of IIW and this is the first time that an Indian has been selected to this prestigious post. India was among the countries that had sent highest number of delegates to this event and of course, with around forty delegates, this is the largest delegation that our country has sent to any annual assembly so far. On technical front also, India broke its previous records. We had five technical documents presented in various technical commission meetings, two invited and many contributed papers in the International Conference. Needless to say, almost every body who attended the event is looking forward to next Annual Assembly in India. Indian delegates also participated very effectively in the meeting of International Authorization Board (IAB) of the IIW to protect India's interest in the International Diploma programmes offered by IIW and currently conducted by Authorized Training Body (ATB) of the Indian Institute of Welding.






Message from the Chairman